Jurnalul Român de Psihoterapie Integrativă

Attachment style fundamental of a healthymental life

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Attachment style fundamental of a healthymental life
Mara PRICEPUTU - Romanian Institute for Integrative PsychotherapyAceastă adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea.

ABSTRACT:  Integrative Psychotherapy seeks a more complete approach to the etiology of mental disorders, to develop more effective models of intervention. Bowlby's principles developed in the attachment theory, can provide a framework for redefining the therapist’s role and the therapeutic relationship as the main vectors in the therapy’s effectiveness.
The present study analyses the connection beetween the ways of attachement and anxious and depressive symptoms and the development of intervention models of integrative type.
The research has a non-experimental type, correlational, in which the presence and the intensity of anxious and depressive symptoms, was associated with the "attachment type" operationalized using the scores obtained from the attachment styles questionnaire. In a sample of 100 students (the mean age of participants was 25,8 years; standard deviation was 6,485) were applied the following tools: Relationship Scales Questionnaire (RSQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI- II) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI).
Preoccupied attachment style (ambivalent) was associated with anxiety symptoms (r =. 26, p <.05).
Avoidant attachment style was significantly associated with depressive symptoms (r =. 71, p <.001) and anxiety symptoms (r =. 52, p <.001).
Disorganized attachment style was significantly associated with depressive symptoms (r =. 48, p <.001). Secure attachment style was not significantly associated with depressive symptoms and anxiety, measured by the instruments used.
The study shows the link between insecurity and specific vulnerabilities of attachment styles and depressive symptoms and anxiety. The benefit of this research may result in the establishment of role models for intervention with repair and restructuring role for the attachment style in the psychotherapeutic practice.

Key words:attachment theory, attachment style,integrative intervention, anxiety, depression

Citit 5086 ori Ultima modificare Vineri, 06 Septembrie 2013 18:04
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Dacă faci o greșeală, recunoaște-o. Orice încercare de a o ascunde se va întoarce în cele din urmă împotriva ta. La un moment dat pacientul va simți că nu ești sincer și actul terapeutic va suferi. Mai mult, admiterea deschisă a greșelii este un model bun pentru pacienți și un semn în plus al importanței care o au pentru tine.

Irvin D.Yalom, M.D. Darul Psihoterapiei