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The influence of self-esteem subtypes on aggression in young people

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The influence of self-esteem subtypes on aggression in young people
Authors: C. D. Marineanu (*),V. Marineanu (*)
Affiliation: (*) Ministry of National Defense

ABSTRACT: The research emphasizes the role of self-esteem subtypes (explicit and implicit self-esteem) and their relationship (congruence and discrepancy) in determining the aggressive behavior, behavior that may be mediated by anxiety and / or depression.
Investigated sample comprised of a group of 98 males, aged between 21 and 35 years old, at least high school education, military by profession. In order to measure the self-esteem level two instruments were used: one based on self evaluation (Rosenberg scale), and the other based on indirect measurement method (implicit association test-TAI) which tries to capture the less aware aspects of self-esteem. The aggressive and depressive trends were captured with FPI personality questionnaire and the anxiety trends were identified by applying Cattell Anxiety Questionnaire.
The results obtained in this research, based on the approach of aggression, depression and anxiety in terms of self-esteem concept and self-esteem subtypes combinations, confirmed its importance in the diagnosis process and therapeutic intervention of aggression among youth.

Keywords: explicit self-esteem, implicit self-esteem, congruent self-esteem, discrepant self-esteem, aggression, depression, anxiety.

Dacă faci o greșeală, recunoaște-o. Orice încercare de a o ascunde se va întoarce în cele din urmă împotriva ta. La un moment dat pacientul va simți că nu ești sincer și actul terapeutic va suferi. Mai mult, admiterea deschisă a greșelii este un model bun pentru pacienți și un semn în plus al importanței care o au pentru tine.

Irvin D.Yalom, M.D. Darul Psihoterapiei