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The defensive particularities of major depression disorders

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particularitatile defensive ale tulburarii depresive majore

The defensive particularities of major depression disorders
Psychotherapist Dan Crasovan
Translated by Adina Preda

SELECTION: In case of depression disorders the clinical studies indicate the patients‟ use of defenses with alow degree of adaptation, this being the reason why the recovery in such disorders needs the identification and improvement of the psychic defense (Akkerman , K., Lewin, T.J., Carr, V.J., 1999; Kneepkens, R.G., Oakly, L.D., 1996; DeFife, J.A., Hilsenroth, M.J., 2005).


Citit 25186 ori Ultima modificare Vineri, 06 Septembrie 2013 14:39

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